Tarot card deck illustrated

by Clorophilla Studio

I have always been attracted to everything ‘magical’, that cannot be seen but felt, that cannot be touched but perceived.

I have a large collection of tarot cards of all types and in addition to their ‘visual’ appeal that they have on me, I consider them as a precious tool, a compass, which guides, which advises, which takes by hand and directs, illuminating the path.

‘Each arcana, being a mirror and not a truth in itself, transforms into what you see inside it’ said Eleonora Carrington, a surreal artist who also designed her own personal deck of cards.

And this is precisely what I like so much about Tarot cards, the fact that they do not predict the future but that they stimulate self-exploration, that they guide inner growth through symbols and messages.

For the creation of this deck of cards I drew inspiration from areas apparently distant from each other; elements and symbols of the Major Arcana by the traditional Tarocchi of Marseille, that freely dialogue with ideas stolen from the world of fashion: among others, the stylist Elsa Schiapparelli makes me very inspired, and my arcana wear some of her clothes worn mixed with elements of the esoteric tradition

Ludovica Basso//Clorophilla Studio