La Chapelle de La Lune

Grasse, France, 2020

The 'chapel of the moon'
It is a place suspended in time and space, it floats between earth and sky.

A contemporary temple where you can enter and leave your earthly references outside, where the floor and ceiling are mirrored, stimulating those who enter to 'elevate' their self and reconnect with the energy of the moon and with their roots, to get closer to natural cycles such as those of the phases of the moon.

Read the article on New York Times Magazine and AD Italia

Inside, to accompany the visitor on their inner journey, goddesses who manifest themselves in various forms and guard the sacredness of the place. among them Diana, a goddess who has always been linked to the moon and the natural world.

This sacred and profane place has therefore been designed and built to live an experience of elevation starting from a journey within oneself, as a rediscovery of one's roots and of the femininity that is inherent in each of us and that leads, male and female, to the rediscovery of the relationship between us and the Whole that surrounds us

The chapel was restored thanks to the important work of @nicole.valenti__
And thanks to @valentinag_o of @vgo_associates the idea of ​​ who involved me in this project and with whom I work shoulder to shoulder to shape a new world


VANS, Milan


Torcy, Paris